Emotional Support
Beyond Pink TEAM- All Cancer Support Group
For any woman with any type of cancer Meets the third Tuesday of January, April, June and September 5 p.m. for discussion and light meal; 6 p.m. speaker. Location:
NEXT MEETINGS (5 - 7 p.m., come and go as your time allows)
Touch of Courage Breast Cancer Support Group First Monday of the month at 1:30 pm. (unless it's a holiday, then the following week). Location:
MORE ABOUT OUR SUPPORT GROUPS First, know that you will be welcomed by a community that understands! The Beyond Pink TEAM is committed to meeting the needs of cancer survivors in Black Hawk County and surrounding areas. We recognize that when a woman is diagnosed with cancer, it is just one part of her life. That is why we offer two different support groups, to meet survivors in a way that best supports their needs. Beyond Pink TEAM All Cancer Support Group meets quarterly, from 5 - 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of January, April, June and September. These free events are open to all women living with any type of cancer diagnosis. The meeting begins at 5 pm; come and go as your schedule allows. This is a meet, mingle and learn event, beginning with a facilitated discussion. An educational speaker presents at 6 p.m. There is plenty of time to meet, mingle, and learn with others who have been in your shoes. A light snack/supper is provided. Check our Facebook page often and see what fun and informational events we have planned to get survivors in our community connected. If you are new, you will need to ask to join this Facebook group. It is a private group open only to local women with cancer. Touch of Courage Breast Cancer Support Group meets the first Monday of the month (unless there is a holiday, then the 2nd Monday). The group meets at 1:30 pm at the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa building. Many of the members have been attending for years, offering support to the newly diagnosed. They have also begun sewing pillows to donate to women who have recently undergone surgery, as a cushion for under the arm or on the surgical site. |